Newly-Elected Vice Presidents

A robust and representative elected leadership is important to ISHMII. The ISHMII Council, our authoritative, decision-making body, is pleased to announce the election of three new Vice-Presidents. The new Executive Committee (2016-2018) will include Vice Presidents Branko Glisic (Princeton University, USA), Zhishen Wu (Ibaraki University, Japan and Southeast University, Nanjing, China. Re-elected, Dr. Wu is currently the Vice-President for Finances) and George Akhras (Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston, Ontario), who assume their responsibilities in January 2016.
ISHMII chooses its President from among the Vice Presidents serving on the Executive Committee. At the beginning of 2016, ISHMII will choose a President-elect, who will work closely with President Wolfgang Habel during the last year of his Presidential service. The new Vice-Presidents and President-elect will introduce themselves in short letters to the ISHMII members.

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