ISHMII is a Global Organization of Civil Structural Health Monitoring Practitioners and Researchers



This is to notify you that the deadline for the submission has been extended to 20th April 2022. For more information about the conference including the submission link and the paper template please refer to the conference website: 

Please note that having either the Full paper (4 pages) or the Extended abstract (2 pages) submitted is mandatory to be eligible for the technical presentation at the conference, which is going to take place on 08-12 August 2022.

In case you need any further information regarding the Conference, please feel free to contact us at:

We look forward to seeing you at the SHMII-11 conference.


We’re Making an Impact!

 The Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (JCSHM)

 has received an impact factor of 3.338 (2021); five year impact factor is 3.880 (2021)

Consider contacting an editor and get your research noticed.


Submit an article for a special edition of the

Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring


Structural Health Monitoring for Informed Management of Civil Structures and Infrastructures


It’s Never too Late to Join ISHMII!


Your membership raises the visibility and understanding of our field.

Contact Info
Praesent quis risus nec mi feugiat vehicula. Sed nec feugiat arcu.
  • ISHMII Administrative Center c/o University of Manitoba Department of Civil Engineering, A250 – 96 Dafoe Road Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 Canada