The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) has announced that UIC Distinguished Professor Farhad Ansari has been named the Christopher B. and Susan S. Burke Professor in the Department of Civil and Materials Engineering.  He serves as the Associate Vice Chancellor for Research at UIC. 
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The organizers of the IV International Course on Geotechnical and Structural Monitoring offer ISHMII members a 10% discount on registration fees for the course, Master classes and the field trip.  The program runs from June 12-16, depending on the segments for which one registers, at 
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The Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (JCSHM) and ISHMII are pleased to bring to your attention and share the knowledge contained in issue No. 4/2016 of Energia Ambiente e Innovazione, the magazine of the ENEA (Italy). Dedicated to cultural heritage, this issue contains several 
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The Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring announces its November 2016 issue (Vol. 6 No. 5) is available to ISHMII members on-line.  Please sign into your account to follow the links in order to open your issue. Not a member? Curious about the JCSHM?  ISHMII 
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Are you attending a conference, workshop or meeting?  Introduce your colleagues to ISHMII with this new ISHMII brochure.  It is downloadable as a pdf. This promotional information is also available as the ISHMII brochure in PowerPoint. Please contact ISHMII staff at to let us 
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ISHMII and Queensland University of Technology present SHMII-8, December 5-8, 2017 in Brisbane, Australia.  The opening reception and the ISHMII Council meeting will be held on December 5. The Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of road traffic bridges and heritage buildings and the reliability assessment of the 
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ISHMII is pleased to announce that Professor Zhishen Wu of Ibaraki University (Japan) and Southeast University (China) has succeeded President Wolfgang Habel as the 4th President of ISHMII. Read Dr. Wu’s impressive biography below, which was originally posted in 2016 when Dr. Wu became President-elect, 
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Universidad EAFIT (Medellin, Colombia) and ISHMII announce CSHM-7 (2017) to be held on June 22-23, 2017.  We invite you to join us at this workshop. Please note that CSHM-7 was previously scheduled for June 1-2, 2017. MAIN THEME:  Advanced measurement systems and signal processing methodologies 
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Professor Su Taylor and the Organizing Committee of CSHM-6 have posted photographs of the workshop on Google Photos.  We invite you to take a look at them. Below is a link to the photos taken at the event; please feel free to download them.
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ISHMII invites members to read the ISHMII Constitution and By-Laws, as revised in February 2016 by the ISHMII Council.  Visit to read the Constitution and By-Laws on-line. ISHMII elections are detailed within, and a flowchart appears at the end of the downloadable Constitution to 
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Contact Info
Praesent quis risus nec mi feugiat vehicula. Sed nec feugiat arcu.
  • ISHMII Administrative Center c/o University of Manitoba Department of Civil Engineering, A250 – 96 Dafoe Road Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 Canada