With great pleasure, ISHMII President Wolfgang Habel and Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (JCSHM) Editor-in-Chief Farhad Ansari announce and congratulate the recipients of the 2013 and 2014 Aftab Mufti Medals for Best Papers published in the JCSHM.
For 2013, the best paper is “Structural health monitoring of the Roman Arena of Verona, Italy” authored by Filippo Lorenzoni, Filippo Casarin, Claudio Modena, Mauro Caldon, Kleidi Islami, Francesca da Porto and published in volume 3, issue 4, December 2013, pages 227-246. The authors are affiliated with the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEA), University of Padova, Padua, Italy.
For 2014, the best paper is “Reliability of long-term monitoring data” by
Peter Anderegg, Rolf Brönnimann and Urs Meier and is published in volume 4 issue 1, February 2014, pages 69-75. The authors are with EMPA, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
The Aftab Mufti Medals for Best Papers will be presented at SHMII-7, Turin, Italy in July 2015.
The intense review and selection process was conducted by two international committees. The criteria are definitive and demanding. Each paper must successfully exhibit creativity, originality and rigor and included new information, new interpretations, innovations, methods, and applications. Each must make a contribution to the field through its scientific or technical significance and be useful to the practicing professional and the interests of civil engineering. As a research paper, each also had to be highly readable, presented with effective organization, be clear, concise, comprehensible, and use jargon-free language in its presentation of its concepts and facts.
More information about the Aftab Mufti Medal, criteria and past recipients can be found at www.ishmii.org/aftab-mufti-medal/