aL live load factor used during calculation of proof loads for bridges
b reliability or safety index
Ce the wind exposure coefficient
Cf a correction factor used to adjust the F value for longitudinal moment and longitudinal vertical shear
Cg the horizontal wind drag (gust) coefficient
Ch the horizontal wind drag coefficient
Cp the external pressure coefficient, averaged over the area of the surface considered
Cpi the internal pressure coefficient
Cv the vertical wind load coefficient
E modulus of elasticity, MPa
Ec the modulus of elasticity of concrete
Es the modulus of elasticity of steel
the horizontal wind load per unit exposed frontal area, Pa
G shear modulus, MPa
g acceleration due to gravity, m/s2
Gc the shear modulus of concrete
Gs the shear modulus of steel
K all strains, deformations, displacements, and their effects, including the effects of their restraint and those of friction or stiffness in bearings. Strains and deformation include those due to temperature change and temperature differential, concrete shrinkage, differential shrinkage, and creep; but not elastic strains.
k factor for calculation of load factor for wind effects as determined by wind tunnel tests
n the natural frequency of vibration, Hz; or the number of design lanes on a bridge
Q the applied load, kN
q the applied wind pressure, kPa
p the specified external pressure acting statically and in a direction normal to the surface either as a pressure directed towards the surface or as a suction directed away from the surface
V the hourly mean wind speed, m/s; or wind load on traffic; or the seismic zonal velocity ratio (dimensionless)
Vref the reference wind velocity at deck height, m/s
Vw the design speed of a highway, km/h; or water velocity at the design flood, at SLS and ULS, m/sw
W the total dead load weight of a structure engaged in vibration, including asphalt, etc., N; or wind load on structure
Wc bridge deck width, m
We design lane width, m

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