
October 13, 2021

9AM-12PM (Philippine Standard Time)

Communities must strengthen linkages, harness strength, promote cooperation to be resilient.

We commemorate the International Day for Risk Reduction with the theme “Enhance International Cooperation to developing countries through adequate and sustainable support to complement their national actions for implementation of the present Framework by 2030.” Today, more than ever, we realize that resiliency may be achieved by adopting best practices from organizations that have established programs and initiatives. Anchored in these programs is to achieve sustainable development goal by 2030.
Join us as we USHER In notable Resource Speakers from Japan and Philippines. Listen, learn, gain insights on how your organization can build a more resilient future.

To register, kindly click the link below:
htms://forms.gk{ggjnP.9biP.3 EjEvsSA

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