Thank You for Joining ISHMII. Here are some facts that you should know when preparing to pay for your ISHMII membership:
- ISHMII provides a secure payment system through PayPal.
- Payments are made in US dollars.
- PayPal will not accept payment using certain credit cards, often University or Corporate credit cards. In that case, please download a hard copy of the application form, here.
- Since the total price of a Student Group Membership varies with the group size, we cannot accommodate on-line payment at this time. After your application is approved, ISHMII will send an invoice email to the designated contact person responsible for handling the payment.
- As your registration is processed, you will receive an email containing your log-in and member information (for new members) and a receipt.
Questions or problems with the on-line system? Please contact Nancy Cohen ( or Charleen Choboter ( for help.
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