SHMII-5 Papers

4. Structural Health Monitoring and Evaluation

Non-Destructive Testing

Structure-integrated fibre optic acoustic emission sensor for concrete pile testing and monitoring: Constanze Schilder, Harald Kohlhoff, Detlef Hofmann, Wolfgang R. Habel

Embedded Piezoelectric Self Sensing-based Smart NDT Techniques for Concrete Strength Evaluation: Seunghee Park, Dong-Jin Kim, Changgil Lee, Seok-Inn Hong

Damage evaluation of concrete beam under dynamic loading based on piezoelectric transducer:  Linsheng Huo, Xu Li, Hongnan Li

Effects of Temperature Variation in Assessing the Interface Delamination between Concrete and Rebar using Ultrasonic Guided Waves: Tao Ruan, Dongsheng Li

Experimentally determined Stochastic Properties of Concrete: Alfred Strauss, Herwig Mayer, David Lehky, Dan M. Frangopol

Bridge Monitoring and Inspection

Measurement system design for damage detection using model-free data interpretation methods: Irwanda Laory, Thanh N. Trinh, Nizar Bel Hadj Ali, Ian F. C. Smith

Application of FBG sensors to monitor the cable forces in a small-scale cable-stayed bridge model: Xin Feng, Zhe Fan, Jian Hu, Liang Ren, Jing Zhou

One year vibration monitoring of a short span bridge under in-service environments: Chul-Woo Kim, Toshiki Sakakibara, Ryo Isemoto, Heng Salpisoth, Yoshinobu Oshima, Kunitomo Sugiura

Experimental investigation of drive-by bridge inspection: Chul-Woo Kim, Ryo Isemoto, Tatsuaki Toshinami, Mitsuo Kawatani, Patrick Mc Getrick, Eugene O Brien

Remote Structural Monitoring Systems – providing long-term confidence in a structure’s condition:  Roman Berger, Gianni Moor, Thomas Spuler, Carlos Mendez

Accuracy of Load Test on a Double-Curved Closed Section Steel Viaduct: Philippe Van Bogaert

Remote moisture monitoring of timber bridges: Thomas Tannert, Roman Berger, Mareike Vogel

Structural Health Monitoring of Steel and Composite Bridges in Rudbar-Manjil Region In Iran: Mehdi Mohammadpour Lima

Experiences with SHM for large civil structures: Hans de Backer, Amelie Outtier, Ken Schotte, Dries Stael, Wim Nagy, Philippe Van Bogaert

Design and configuration of a large scale bridge monitoring system for long term evaluation: José Alfredo López-López, Bernardo Hernández-Sánchez, Juan Antonio Quintana-Rodríguez, Francisco Javier Carrión-Viramontes, José-Luis Moreno-Jiménez

SHM Application for Monitoring of Existing Bridge Pier during Construction of a Water Channel Adjacent to Pier Foundation: Vidya Limaye

A SHM-oriented test-bed for long-span suspension bridges:settlement study: You-Lin Xu, Xiaohua Zhang, Songye Zhu, Sheng Zhan, Hwayaw Tam, Hoyin Au

Alarm Setting Methodology for the Monitoring of Cables in a Stayed Bridge: Juan Antonio Quintana-Rodríguez, Francisco Javier Carrión-Viramontes, José Alfredo López-López, Didier Samayoa Ochoa

Streicker Bridge: assessment of structural health condition through static and dynamic monitoring: Branko Glisic, David Hubbel, Dorotea Sigurdardottir, Jeremy Chen, Jose Pedro Sousa Afonso

Structural Health Monitoring of the Indian River Inlet Bridge: Harray W. “Tripp” Shenton III, Patrick Daniel Carson, Gary Wenczel, Michael J. Chajes

Issues and Solutions Associated with Remote Sensing Applications for Bridge Monitoring: Edd Hauser, Shen-En Chen, Chuck Boyle, Kelly Rehm

Damage Assessment of RC Slabs Using a Practical Ensemble System for Multiple Feature Selection: Nakatsu Koichiro, Furuta Hitoshi, Nomura Yasutoshi, Takahashi Kyosuke, Ishibashi Ken, Hayakawa Yuji

The Research of the Platform for Bridge Visual Inspection Based on Quadrotor Aircraft: Shuri Cai, Jian Su, Wanheng Li, Xiaojing Wang, Jing Liu, Mohai Yuan

Flexural-shear failure of a full scale tested RC bridge strengthened with NSM CFRP: Björn Täljsten, Jonny Nilimaa, Gabriel Sas, Thomas Blanksvärd

Monitoring and Visual Inspection of New Jersey Reference Bridges: Di Su, Dionysius M Siringoringo, Tomonori Nagayama, Yozo Fujno

Application of time series analysis for bridge monitoring:  Gerardo Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Roberto Gómez-Martínez, David Murià-Vila, Joel Mauricio Cortés Patiño, Marco Antonio Mendoza Salas, Abraham Roberto Sánchez Ramírez, Miguel Ángel Mendoza García

Monitoring based Performance Indicators for the Assessment of Jointless Bridge Structure: Alfred Strauss, Roman Wender, Dan M. Frangopol

Bridge monitoring with fiber optics technology. An example of dynamic traffic load monitoring in Mexican bridges: Juan José Orozco y Orozco, Leonardo Bounatian-Benatov, Fernando Sánchez-Domínguez

Monitoring of Thompson’s bridge BFRP reinforced deck with discrete optical sensors: Susan E. Taylor, M Sonebi, D Robinson, S Grattan, Tong Sun

Monitoring of a novel FlexiArch bridge system with soil-structure interaction: M Lydon, Susan E. Taylor, V Sivakukar, D Hughes

Monitoring of Heritage Structures

Concept and Design of a Wireless Remote Monitoring System for the Aqueduct of Queretaro: Roberto Alvarado-Cardenas, Alejandro Aragon-Zavala, Eduardo Rosado Colmenares, Cesar Cardenas Perez, Francisco Javier Carrión-Viramontes

Structural health monitoring of historical buildings: preventive and post-earthquake controls:  Filippo Casarin

The monitoring of Barcelona’s Sagrada Familia Church with fiber optic technology. Control of the construction of a nearby tunnel: Leonardo Bounatian-Benatov, Fernando Sánchez-Domínguez, Ignacio Poy-Lopez

SHM of Intelligent Infrastructure

Monitoring of corrosion protection in reinforced concrete structures using an integrated pH optode: Ralf Roeben, Roland Huettl, Mathis Kuchejda, Wolfgang R. Habel, Marek Hoehse

Commercial Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Technologies in Transportation: Caesar Singh

Integration for Traditional and Non-Traditional Remote Sensing Technologies into Structural Health Monitoring for Long-Term Condition Assessment: Tess Ahlborn, D.K. Harris, C.N. Brooks, L.l. Sutter

Eye in the Sky: Issues with Sub-Inch Aerial Imaging of Bridge Decks: Shen-En Chen, Chuck Boyle, Meenu Natarajan, Edd Hauser

Corrosion Monitoring by utilizing EM technology: Paul Sumitro

SHM Systems

Implementation of camcorders to measure displacements in structures: Carlos H. Huerta-Carpizo, David Murià-Vila

Structural health monitoring of a high speed railway viaduct: Justo Carretero Pérez, Javier Cortezo García

Structural Analysis and Modeling

Measuring geometrical out-of-plane imperfections in steel tied arch bridges: Amelie Outtier, Hans de Backer, Bart de Pauw, Philippe Van Bogaert

Monitoring of wind velocities and their use to study the wind-induced structural behavior of the Baluarte bridge during construction stage:  Adrián Pozos-Estrada, Roberto Gómez-Martínez, Raúl Sánchez-García, Luis Martín Arenas-García, José Alberto Escobar-Sánchez

Innovations in Civil Structural Health Monitoring

Satellite Sensing Technology to Monitor Bridges and Other Civil Infrastructures:  Daniel Cusson, Parwant Ghuman, Andrian Mccardle

A proven standard for Bridge Health Monitoring Systems: Alexandre Chaperon, Gilles Hovhanessian

Structural Health Monitoring in Civil Infrastructure Applications – New Perspectives: Genda Chen

Dynamic characterization of civil structures using mobile sensors: Johannio Marulanda, Juan Martín Caicedo, Peter Thomson

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