CSHM-4 brought together outstanding civil engineers, academics, designers, construction companies, product and monitoring system managers as well as responsible persons from government, road/highway, waterways and other authorities from all over the world who have an interest in improving the service life, safety and reliability of civil engineering structures. CSHM-4 provided a platform for extensive discussions of inspection and monitoring related tasks by expert groups, and the organizers encourage input into the improvement and/or optimization of sustainable solutions.
The CSHM-4 Workshop featured two keynote presentations as well as one invited presentation in each of the four sessions.
Topics of the workshop:
Please click on the desired address, presentation, or poster. Each is a downloadable pdf. Where possible, the full paper is provided. Otherwise an abstract is available.
Keynote Addresses
1. Management of Critical Infrastructures Based on Monitoring, Assessment Results and Lifetime Engineering
H. Wenzel, VCE Holding, Wien, Austria
2. Structural Health Monitoring for Life Extension of Railway Bridges: Strategies and Outcomes
P. Banerji, S. Chikermane, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee, India
Session 1
1. The Long Term Bridge Performance Program – A Program Update
A. Maher, Rutgers University, Piscataway, USA; H. Ghasemi, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), McLean, USA
2. Integration of Structural Health and Condition Monitoring into the Life-Cycle Management of Wind Turbines
D. Hartmann, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany; K.H. Law, K. Smarsly, Stanford University, USA
3. Structural Health Monitoring of the Roman Arena of Verona, Italy (Part A). (Part B)
F. Casarin, University of Padova, Italy; E. Bello, IRS, Padova, Italy; F. da Porto, F. Lorenzoni, C. Modena, University of Padova, Italy
4. Substructure Identification for Shear Buildings Using Ambient Vibration
H. Li, D. Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
5. Structural Monitoring During the Restoration of Titanic’s Dry Dock
S. Taylor, Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom; C. Doherty, Buro Happold, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; P. Camon, McLaughlin & Harvey, Mallusk, United Kingdom; M. Lydon, Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom; S. Grattan, Sengenia, Lurgan, United Kingdom
6. Integrating Bridge Structural Health Monitoring and Condition-Based Maintenance Management
Y.-Q. Ni, Hong Kong Polytech. Univ., Hong Kong, China; K.Y. Wong, The Hong Kong SAR Government, Hong Kong, China
Session 2
7. Wireless Sensor Networks: A Monitoring Tool for Improving Remaining Lifetime Estimation?
G. Feltrin, EMPA, Dübendorf, Switzerland
8. Small Defect Detection of Real Bridge by Using Local Excitation Method
T. Oshima, Kitami Institute of Technology, Kitami, Japan; M. Fabijanska Kopacz, Cracow University of Technology, Krakow, Poland; S. Mikami, Y. Miyamori, T. Yamazaki, Kitami Institute of Technology, Kitami, Japan
9. Damage Detection via Lagrange Multipliers from Least-Squares Adjustment
F. Neitzel, TU Berlin, Germany; W. Daum, BAM, Berlin, Germany; K. Brandes, Berlin, Germany; S. Weisbrich, TU Berlin, Germany
10. Health Monitoring of LSF Structure via Novel TTFD Approach
H.R. Vosoughifar, S.K. Sadat Shokouhi, Mand Civil, Teheran, Iran
11. Particle Relaxation Method of Monte Carlo Filter for Structure System Identification
T. Sato, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
12. Probabilistic Approach for Structural Evaluation of Common Bridges Exceeding Service Life
F. Carrión-Viramontes, S. Crespo, J. López, J. Quintana, IMT, Sanfandila, Mexico; F. Chávez, Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico; D. Rodríguez, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Querétaro, Mexico
Session 3
13. R&D of NDTs for Timber Utility Poles in Service – Challenges and Applications (Extension for Bridge Sub-Structures and Wharf Structures)
J. Li, U. Dackermann, M. Subhani, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
14. Structural Health Evaluation of Concrete Road Bridges – an NDT Approach
A. Goel, A.M. Das, A. Gupta, R. Verma, JUIT, Solan, India
15. Challenges in the Analysis of Inhomogeneous Structural Monitoring Data
W. Lienhart, TU Graz, Austria
16. NDT for Need Based Maintenance of Civil Infrastructure – FilameNDT a Franco-German Project for Monitoring and Inspection of Bridge Cables, Ropes and Pre-Stressed Elements
J.H. Kurz, F. Niese, K. Szielasko, Fraunhofer IZFP, Saarbrücken, Germany; L. Gaillet, L. Laguerre, F. Treyssede, IFSTTAR, Bouguenais, France
17. A New Damage Detection Method for Bridge Condition Assessment in Structural Health Monitoring
A. Miyamoto, Yamaguchi University, Ube, Japan
18. Reliable Monitoring of Leak in Gas Pipelines Using Acoustic Emission Method
D. Ozevin-Atasoy, H. Yalcinkaya, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, USA
Session 4
19. The Economic Case for Service Life Extension Using SHM
D. Thomson, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
20. Fiber Optic Technology in Structural Health Monitoring for Bridges
T. Weinmann, Geocomp, Buffalo Grove, USA
21. Application of Monitoring Systems for the Management of Civil Structures
H. Weissenfels, Bauing. Weissenfels, Bramsche, Germany
22. Innovative Monitoring and Evaluation of Aging Infrastructure
T. Neumann, J. Krieger, BASt, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
1. Damage Detection and Classification in Pipework Using Acousto-Ultrasonics and Probabilistic Non-Linear Modelling
M.A. Torres Arredondo, Universität Siegen, Germany; J. Rodellar, D.A. Tibaduiza, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain; I. Buethe, C.-P. Fritzen, Universität Siegen, Germany
2. The Use of FBG Sensor to Determine the Fracture Energy Properties of UHPFC
H. Marzouk, Ryerson University, Mississauga, Canada; K. Wahba, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
3. Ultrasonic Guided Wave Monitoring and Evaluation for Steel Rebar Corrosion Damage
D. Li, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
4. Monitoring-Based Safety Evaluation of Offshore Jacket Platform Structure
D. Zhou, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
5. Comparison of Historical In-Service Monitoring Data for Improved Maintenance and Management of Typical Bridges
H. Shenton, University of Delaware, Newark, USA; K.S. Connor, HNTB, Arlington, USA
6. Sensitivity and Usefulness Analysis of Simple Monitoring System for a Steel Cable Stayed Bridge
M. Hildebrand, C. Machelski, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
7. Seven Years of Structural Monitoring of a Large Steel Cable Stayed Bridge
M. Hildebrand, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
8. Offshore Measurement System for Relative Displacements of Grouted Joints
N. Scholle, L. Lohaus, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
9. Long Term Monitoring of a Continuous Reinforced Pavement Highway
J. Quintana, IMT, Sanfandila, Mexico; J. Gutiérrez, G. Páez, DeAcero, San Pedro Garza García, Mexico; F. Carrión-Viramontes, S. Crespo, P. Garnica, A. Gómez, IMT, Sanfandila, Mexico
10. Development of an Automatic Algorithm to Analyze the Cracks Evolution in a Reinforced Concrete Structure from Strain Measurements Performed by an Optical Backscatter Reflectometer
E. Buchoud, EDF R&D, Chatou, France; V. Vrabie, CRESTIC, Reims, France; S. Blairon, G. D’Urso, A. Girard, J.-M. Hénault, EDF R&D, Chatou Cedex, France; J. Mars, GIPSA-LAB, Grenoble, France
11. Sensors with Embedded Memory for SHM Applications
V. Grachev, Grachev and Partners, Ekaterinburg, Russia; I. Karkin, SITIS, Ekaterinburg, Russia
12. Systematic Wavelength Shifts of the MOI si425 Sensing Interrogator at Low Signal Intensities
H. Woschitz, TU Graz, Austria
13. Bridge Monitoring – Detecting Loss of Pretension
U. Kohlbrei, TÜV Rheinland LGA Bautechnik, Köln, Germany
14. Development of a Rapidly Deployable Wireless Monitoring System for Bridges
D. Potter, National Instruments, Austin, USA; J. Fasl, T. Helwig, S. Wood, University of Texas, Austin, USA; R. Lindenberg, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Northbrook, USA
15. Structural Damage Identification Based on Substructure Sensitivity and l_1 Sparse Regularization
Y. Bao, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China; J. Ou, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China; H. Li, S. Zhou, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
16. Data Packets in SHM Systems
I. Karkin, SITIS, Ekaterinburg, Russia; V. Grachev, Grachev and Partners, Ekaterinburg, Russia; M. Popkov, SITIS, Ekaterinburg, Russia
17. A Mobile Wireless Sensor-Based Structural Health Monitoring Technique
Y. Bao, H. Li, F. Wu, X. Zhang, X. Zhu, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
18. Displacement and Settlement Monitoring in Large Geotechnical Structures with a Novel Approach to Distributed Brillouin Sensing
N. Nöther, S. von der Mark, fibrisTerre, Berlin, Germany
19. Acoustic Emission Sensors Array for Concrete Structure Health Monitoring
Q. Wang, Q. Yang, C. Yuan, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, China
21. Existing Bridge Structure and the Truss Lift Monitoring for the Huey P. Long Bridge Widening Project
T. Weinmann, Geocomp, Buffalo Grove, USA
22. Probabilistic Method for Estimating Remaining Fatigue Life in Steel Bridges
J. Fasl, University of Texas, Austin, USA; D. Potter, National Instruments, Austin, USA; T. Helwig, M. Reichenbach, V. Samaras, S. Wood, University of Texas, Austin, USA; R. Lindenberg, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Northbrook, USA
23. Modern Structural Monitoring Systems for High-Rise and Unique Buildings
A. Shakhramanyan, Y. Kolotovichev, J. Kuckartz, NPO SODIS, Moskau, Russia
24. Optimal Sensor Placement of Steel Structure with UBF System for SHM Using Hybrid FEM-GA Technique
H.R. Vosoughifar, P. Farshadmanesh, S.K. Sadat Shokouhi, Mand Civil, Teheran, Iran
25. Optical Structural Health Monitoring of the Frescoes in the Conegliano Cathedral, Italy
F. Casarin, University of Padova, Italy
26. Bridge Evaluation Using Metrology Methods for Short- and Long-Term Measurements
G. Gommola, HBM, Darmstadt, Germany
27. A Copper-Based Fiber Optic Sensing Belt and its Measure Performance for Distributed Engineering Monitoring
B. Shi, G. Wei, H. Zhang, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
28. Brillouin-Based Fiber Optic Sensor for Geotechnical Monitoring Applications
A. Wosniok, K. Krebber, BAM, Berlin, Germany; R. Glötzl, GLÖTZL Gesellschaft für Baumesstechnik, Rheinstetten, Germany
29. Concrete Pile Testing and Monitoring Using Structure-Integrated Fibre-Optic Strain Wave Sensors
C. Schilder, W.R. Habel, D. Hofmann, H. Kohlhoff, BAM, Berlin, Germany
30. Automatically Produced (Pultruded) FRC Profiles with Embedded Fibre-Optic Strain Sensors for Loadbearing Structures
V. Tkachenko, F. Basedau, W.R. Habel, D. Hofmann, F. Steinke, BAM, Berlin, Germany
31. Electrical Based Sensors and Remote Monitoring System for Assessing the Corrosion Related Activity in Concrete at Hangzhou Bay Bridge
S. Srinivasan, Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom; W.J. McCarter, Herriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; P. Basheer, K. Li, Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom; W.-L. Jin, J. Mao, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
32. Device Concept for Early Damage Detection of Structural Defects using Guided Lamb Waves
E. Köppe, M. Bartholmai, J. Prager, BAM, Berlin, Germany
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