ISHMII members enhance the long-term stability and reliability of public works structures and prolong their service.  We concentrate on an area of great technical and social need – structural health monitoring; a burgeoning field that includes practitioners and researchers from many areas of expertise.

Civil structures are immense and costly to the governments that build them.  Constructed outdoors, using materials with varying life expectancies, these structures are prone to damage from load stress, vibration, the environment and natural disasters.  Safety and security are great concerns.

ISHMII members are part of a leading wave of government, corporate and academic research. We bring expertise in civil, structural and materials engineering to this global conversation, which also includes computer scientists and electronics engineers, among others.  Our work places range from the lab to the field.

We are the engineers and scientists who develop instrumentation and promote non-destructive testing, build sensors and explore uses for analyzing structures, such as optimizing sensor placement and remote sensing. 

We collect data from structures and with this and other knowledge, build predictive models or conduct post-disaster structural surveys.  

We study the structures that make transportation of people and goods possible, and allow for the best management of infrastructure.  

Whether we are studying and preserving a historic bridge or constructing the newest, intelligent infrastructure with bold designs and with instrumentation already part of the construction, members are developing a strong base of knowledge they are ready to share through their ISHMII network.

We share knowledge at professional conferences and workshops, through case studies, and, for members, through the peer-reviewed Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring.

We welcome you and invite you to join ISHMII and participate in workshops, conferences and exchanges.

Contact Info
Praesent quis risus nec mi feugiat vehicula. Sed nec feugiat arcu.
  • ISHMII Administrative Center c/o University of Manitoba Department of Civil Engineering, A250 – 96 Dafoe Road Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 Canada